
Bird Mail

If you need to contact me or one of my Pet humans for any reason (which is not possible via any of my social media channels) then don’t hesitate to send me a Bird Email bellow πŸ™‚

Physical Mail & Packages

It is not possible to send physical letters, packages or gifts to me. If you where looking for such an option, then I would politely like to thank you, but (at least for now) this is not possible, nor do we (currently) have any plans to do so.

It doesn’t matter if you’re another bird, cat, dog, fish or any other animal, heck it doesn’t even matter if you’re a human, if you believe you have a valid reason to contact me or one of my pet humans, you are welcome to do so bellow πŸ™‚

Do however please keep in mind that this Bird Email form is not intended for support or questions related to projects, products, or ‘content’ related stuff. For questions, support etc regarding my projects or ‘products’ you will need to use the project or product page itself, or the forums for example on the website of XNL Future Technologies.

Please do not use my Bird Email form for questions or topics like:
– please follow me on [insert social media here]
– Can you please make this project, video or photo etc
– “When will you upload your next video or photo-shoot” etc.
– Requests to buy my projects, photo’s, video’s etc as NFT
– Or any other question or comment which you could have posted at the appropriate social media channel(s) I’m on like Twitter, Instagram, YouTube etc

Me and my pet humans understand that these ‘rules’/requests might sound a bit like I’m not interested in your Bird Email, but this isn’t the case at all πŸ™‚
We just need to make sure that my Bird Mail Box doesn’t fill-up with to much emails which didn’t needed to be emails, so that me and my pet humans still have enough ‘spare’-time to make the content on this page, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram πŸ™‚

And if we would receive a lot of “unnecessary emails” to which we need to reply every time, it would take us too much time (do you even realize how long it takes to peck out an entire email with my beak?).

Of course if you just want to send some friendly ‘fan mail’ and just want to do this personally instead of over social media, then you are very welcome to do so πŸ™‚ I will try to reply to as much emails as possible. But please do keep in mind that I’m a very busy bird πŸ™‚

So thank you for understanding and I’m looking forward to your Bird Email πŸ˜€

Send me a Bird Email