reminder: All articles and posts on my website are written by me and from my own perspective (Sophie The Pigeon) and often I'm typing it aimed at other birds 😉

Pigeon & Bird Articles – Toxic Wood for Perches and Toys

When buying (or even making your own) toys or perches for us birds, it’s very important to know that there are quite some types of wood which are potentially harmful, dangerous or even toxic to us birds. Some of these wood types can injure us while others might be so toxic that they could even be lethal to us birds.

Therefor it is very important to avoid these types of wood to ensure that we birds can live a happy and healthy life 🙂

IMPORTANT: Also make sure that when you buy (or make) toys or perches, that you use untreated wood!

Some of the wood types on this list are ‘controversial’, meaning that not everyone agrees whether it’s toxic or not, that it can depend on if the wood/tree has been treated (chemically) or for any other reason. Me and my pet humans however decided to list all the types which are either considered to be toxic or where there are ‘active debates’ on IF the wood is toxic or not. We’ve done this for the very simple reason that we just don’t want to take any risks, if you don’t agree to one of the wood types on this list, that’s all fine and up to you of course. We just highly recommend to not use any of the wood types on this list to be on the safe side.

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Unsafe wood for us birds (for toys or perches)

Ash / Fraxinus
Bis d’arc / Horse Apple tree / Maclura pomifera
Box Elder / boxelder maple / Acer negundo
Cedar / Red Cedar
Chinese Magnolia / saucer magnolia / Magnolia × soulangeana
Chinese Popcorn / Chinese Tallow / Triadica sebifera
Chinese Snake Tree / Chinese Lacquer Tree / Toxicodendron vernicifluum
Chinese Tallow / Triadica sebifera
Citrus woods (Due to the risk of it being treated with chemicals/pesticides)
Cork Oak / Quercus suber
Crepe Myrtle / Crape Myrtle / Lagerstroemia
Elm Tree Wood (Due to the risk if it being chemically treated against Dutch Elm Disease)
Hemlock / Hem Fir / Conium maculatum
Horse Apple / Maclura pomifera
Laurel / Laurus nobilis
Pitch pine / Pinus rigida
Pomegranate Wood
Red Cherry
Redwood / Sequoioideae
Sitka cedar
Sumac / Rhus / Toxicodendron)
Yellow cedar / Callitropsis nootkatensis
Yew / Taxus baccata

Me and my pet humans are not botanical wonders, no biologists and no veterinarians either, this list has been compiled out of own research, and might not be complete. Like mentioned earlier, there might be (are) some woods on this list which are considered safe by some while others consider it as toxic. We (once again) recommend avoiding these wood types all together. The information on this list is believed to be correct, but we will not be liable for any mistakes or omissions, neither can we give you any guarantee about the safety of these wood types or the accuracy of this information. This information is merely provided as reference, always consult a professional or your veterinarian when it concerns the health and well-being of your bird(s).