Pigeon Press: Car Fire, driver and passenger got away safely
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Pigeon Press: Car Fire, driver and passenger got away safely

TIP: Video Coverage Here Today a Chrysler Grand Voyager (MPV) from 2006 suddenly caught on fire while it driving. According to reports the driver smelled something and/or notice some smoke while driving, she quickly parked the car on the side of the road and dialed 112 (the European emergency number) while she and her passenger…

My Sophie The Pigeon Harness – From bra to pigeon harness

My Sophie The Pigeon Harness – From bra to pigeon harness

I’m very excited to annonce that me and my pet humans have finally finished the Sophie The Pigeon Harness ‘project’, the tutorial PDF about it, and the 45 minutes tutorial video about it 😃! It took us over 465 days to complete everything😱. This however also includes the initial design, ‘test versions’, re-designing it several…

I got a Mini Me (Crochet Sophie The Pigeon)
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I got a Mini Me (Crochet Sophie The Pigeon)

Disclaimer: The Mini Me mentioned (and shown) in this article is not sponsored, and neither is this post. My pet humans just ordered it (and paid for it) normally. However something else (amazingly) did came out of this order, which I will tell you about in the article itself) Today I received a package from…

Inflation Correction (from a Pigeon’s Perspective)
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Inflation Correction (from a Pigeon’s Perspective)

Humans have something strange which they call inflation. What do humans do what’s called inflation🤷🏽‍♀️? Well from how I see it from a pigeons perspective:Step 1: They raise prices on products (or parts needed to make products).Step 2: The products prices need to go up because the parts have become more expensive.Step 3: Humans start…

A Photo of The Pigeon Identity Card and Sophie's showing that she is standing behind it.
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I’ve got my own “official” (Pigeon) ID Card

It is so floofing cool! Two days ago I’ve received my own official (pigeon) ID card! My pet humans from XNL Future Technologies designed this super cool Pigeon Identification card for me so that I can also identify myself “properly” where “needed” 😉. Bellow you’ll see a photo of me standing proudly behind my Pigeon…