Sophie’s Don’t Drive Over Me Sticker (Desk Chairs)
This warning sticker is intended to make humans aware of the fact that we are walking around in this house, building or area and that they should proceed with extreme caution when they are moving their desk/office chair. Because doing so while our precious little feet get stuck underneath the wheels for example, could seriously injure us (or worse).
Sticker size: 9.26x10cm
The (current) price of this sticker at Spreadshop is:
€1,99 per sticker
Please note that we do not earn any commission on these products, which means that we do not earn anything from these products.My pet humans just thought it would be cool if they (themselves) had some 'Sophie Branding'/'Merch' for when they would go on trips and such with me. They then decided it would be cool if others whom would be interested could also get it, so they shared it in our spreadshop. However this shop is configured to sell at 'base-price', meaning it's a non-profit shop.
This also means that we do not sell any of these branding/merchandise items ourselves, we do not handle production, shipment, payments or returns. This all goes directly through Spreadshop/Spreadshirt. More about this can be read here
Please also understand that the availability of the products at our Spreadshop is out of our control, this also goes for the pricing of the products. When out spreadshop changes their prices, it will not automatically update on my website. We will try to keep the prices up-to-date, my my sincere pigeon apologies if prices change and my own site show the incorrect price.